Window Tint Laws in the USA

Whether you’re looking to get window tinting installed on your car or not, there are certain laws that you need to be aware of. There are laws pertaining to the legality of getting tinting done, the percentages of light transmission, and even the requirements that you must meet.
Getting window tints for your vehicle can be a fun and stylish way to enhance the appearance of your automobile. However, it is important to know the legality of window tints in your state before attempting to tint your vehicle’s windows.
There are a variety of laws governing the legality of window tints in the USA. Some states ban window tinting altogether, while others are more forgiving. In general, window tinting is legal in most states, but only if it meets certain criteria.
The most important legal window tint rule is that you must make sure that it does not interfere with your vision. Window tinting can obstruct your view, thereby increasing the number of accidents.
A good rule of thumb is to allow for at least 70% light transmission through your front passenger window. However, that number will vary depending on the type of windows you have. In general, rear windows with side mirrors can have a dark tint.
Several states in the USA have strict requirements for window tint. These laws vary by state, and can be confusing to the average person. However, there are some exceptions to these laws, so if you are considering window tinting, check with your state’s laws first.
In some states, such as Arkansas, Montana, and New Mexico, tint is not prohibited. However, the driver or passenger must have a prescription from a licensed physician to operate a vehicle that has tinted windows. A physician’s certification must be updated annually.
In the United States, the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 205 states that windows in passenger vehicles must have a light transmittance of at least 70%. This percentage is called the VLT (visible light transmittance). The allowable VLT percentage varies from 30% in Washington D.C., to 20% in New Mexico.
Medical exemptions
Several states in the United States allow medical exemptions to window tint laws. These exemptions allow drivers to install window tint that is darker than that allowed under standard law.
Licensed physicians can issue an affidavit that states that special shielding from the sun is required because of a medical condition. The affidavit must also state the minimum light transmittance required. These medical exemptions are valid for four years.
In some states, a special decal or sticker is required on the vehicle. This decal must be displayed on the front right side window. In some states, labels with information about the product manufacturer must also be displayed.
In New Mexico, window tint is allowed for medical reasons. An affidavit must be signed by a licensed physician or optometrist. The affidavit must specify the minimum percentage of light transmittance required.
Percentages of light transmittance
Depending on your state, your car windows may be tinted up to the legal limit. The legal limit on window tint is determined by the percent of visible light transmission. The percentages are different for different car windows. Getting a car tint can make your car look more stylish and protect it from the sun’s harmful rays.
In most states, the legal percentage is between 10 and 50 percent. This percentage will determine how dark your tint will be. A darker tint will be less reflective and less visible. However, if you are a light-sensitive person, you may want to opt for a lower percentage to make your car look less dark.
The legal tint percentage in your state can be found in the chart below. Depending on your personal preferences and budget, you can choose a tint that is right for you.
Exceptions for limos
Exceptions for limousines in window tint laws in the USA vary from state to state. Some states allow only certain types of window tint while others allow you to have as much as you want. The best way to figure out which states you can or can’t legally tint your windows is to check the state laws for your state of residence.
There are no federal laws governing window tinting. However, some states do have laws on the books that prohibit the use of window tint. In most cases, if you are caught with a tinted window, you will receive a citation and a $50 fine. In some cases, you can also be penalized by having the illegal tint removed by a court of law.