Highlight the Essential Accessories That Every Motorcyclist Should Have

Embarking on long motorcycle rides becomes easier with a variety of accessories that prioritize rider safety. From riding gloves to GPS navigation systems, these accessories enhance rider comfort and safety.
Motorcycles take up less of a driver’s field of vision, making them easy to miss in blind spots. Shield yourself from accidents by installing a windshield that matches your bike and height preference.
1. Helmet
A helmet is the most important piece of equipment that every motorcyclist should wear. It protects against severe and life-threatening head injuries.
Each type of helmet is designed to protect against the type of impact common to its activity or sport. Make sure your helmet fits correctly. It should be snug but not uncomfortable. It should sit evenly on your head (not tilted back or pulled low over your forehead). It shouldn’t move side-to-side or front to back.
Even if your helmet looks fine, it may have suffered damage in a crash that you weren’t aware of. It is a good idea to replace it periodically.
2. Mirrors
Mirrors provide a panoramic view of the road, helping riders assess their surroundings and make informed decisions. They also play an important role during traffic congestion or when lane splitting, as they help motorists determine how much space they have to safely fit between vehicles.
The importance of these small accessories cannot be overstated. In the absence of them, riders would have to constantly turn their heads and risk losing balance in the process. This can easily lead to accidents, especially at high speeds.
Mirrors are mounted either to the handlebars or the front fairing. The ideal ones are adjustable, allowing you to see the entire lane behind you without having to strain your neck.
3. Tools
While motorcycles are far safer and more reliable than ever before, there’s still a long list of things that can go wrong. Having a well-stocked tool kit to fix things quickly on the road can be an absolute lifesaver.
A good set of screwdrivers – get one with changeable bits, plus a few different sizes of Allen keys (recessed ones are best for recessed bolts). Also a pair of pliers that can hold, tighten, straighten and cut wires.
A can of cable lube – this might seem odd to include, but it’s worth having to keep the clutch cables in tip-top condition. You can spritz it into the end of each cable to keep it running smoothly.
4. Phone Mount
A phone mount is a must for any rider looking to keep their hands on the handlebars. A phone mounted to your bike can provide turn-by-turn directions and notify you of incoming calls and text messages.
A quality mount will also help protect your smartphone from vibration damage. The vibrations created by a moving motorcycle can cause damage to the internal components of your phone, particularly the camera.
RAM mounts is one of the first companies to make a phone mount that real riders can trust. Their spring-loaded X-Grip cradle expands and contracts to securely hold any device. It comes with a variety of mounts for your handlebars, fork stem, or mirror stem and includes a tether to prevent accidental removal.
5. Bluetooth Headsets
A Bluetooth helmet headset will make your ride a lot more fun and safer. It will let you communicate with other riders and listen to music without having to take your hands off the handlebars.
You can also use these helmet communicators for a variety of other purposes such as commuting or hiking. The best ones offer a daisy chain method for rider-to-rider communication and a dynamic mesh grid for 15-20 riders to effectively talk over long stretches of road.
For the best value, get a helmet with integrated Bluetooth headset like the Sena Stryker. It will save you the expense of buying a separate helmet and add-on communications unit.
6. Riding Gloves
Aside from mitigating hand numbness and sweat, gloves improve the grip on the handlebar, thus, making riding more comfortable. Gloves also protect riders from road, track, or trail hazards that might cause injury to their hands.
When a rider falls, it’s instinctual to put out their hands to break the fall and protect more important parts of their body. However, a rider’s skin is vulnerable to these unexpected impacts.
The attorneys of Johnson and Gilbert want all motorcyclists to be as safe as possible when they hit the road. Riding gloves are one of the most important safety features to consider when buying a new motorcycle.